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nanoStream Webcaster Client Release 5.9.6

Indra Hoffmann
Indra Hoffmann
Posted underArticlesnanoStream WebcasterNewsReleases

We have released the nanoStream Webcaster Client 5.9.6.

Release Notes

This release contains improved error reporting and bug fixes.

Enhanced error reporting will provide more detailed information and will be of additional help in tracking down potential issues.

  • Errors that happen on the server side are now distinguished from client side errors. Server-side errors now have error codes starting with 10xxxx. Please refer to this link for further information about the error definitions.
  • Errors now have an optional metadata field within the userinfo object. It contains additional information about the user of the webcaster client version 5.9.6 e.g. browser, streamname, sessionId. Please see the ErrorEvent documentation for details.

In addition, we have improved the inner state of the API. This will lead to a more robust webcasting experience.




  • Improved error handling. Additional server-side errors are now visible in the public API, server errors start with 10xxxx.
  • The errors “userinfo” property now optionally contains a metadata object. This object holds additional information for the user, e.g. when logging.


  • Improvement of inner API state, in cases were recovering from a broken broadcast was not possible.
Release Package Download /  Complete Bundle Package and Demo Page


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For nanoStream Cloud customers
We have launched the new nanoStream Cloud Dashboard.
Version 2.1 is now available for you, completely redesigned to cover everything you are used to – and even more.

Create and manage your ultra-low latency Webcaster live streams on a new level, for interactive applications with audience engagement.


Use your bintu credentials to sign in.

Please reach out to our team for further informations or any questions:

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Indra Hoffmann
Indra Hoffmann